1- Material & colors

2- Size & diameter

3- Transparent tips


1- Material & colors

- Your shoelace aglets/ tips are made of metal, resistant and colored.

- We chosen to use metal aglets for quality and durability, but also for the look and the elegance.


- They exist in 5 colored finishes : dark, bronze, gold, silver and copper pink.

shoelaces aglets

- We do our best to match or assort the color of the tips as close as possible to your shoelaces.
- If not, we use the standard color (silver)
- Do not hesitate to tell us if you want a specific color of aglets among the 5 proposed, when you place your order

2- Size & diameter

- Length : 15 mm.

- Diameter, once installed : 2 to 3 mm depending on the thickness of the model of  shoelaces.

This fits to the standard shoe eyelets/holes diameter (approx 4 mm).


Important : Please check the diameter of your eyelets, especially for thin shoes ( thin city shoes with waxed shoelaces, such as richelieu, derby, etc... ), to be sure that new shoelaces will fit.


3- Transparent aglets / tips

- We use clear plastic tips only for elastic shoelaces with stoppers and spring shoelaces.

